Dermal Fillers - Cheeks

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Dermal fillers are used in various areas on the face such as mid face/cheeks to restore volume loss as we age or to create more sculptured cheeks. The treatment of cheeks by lifting this area can also reduce jowling along the jawline.

Dermal Fillers

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Dermal fillers consist of hyaluronic acid, which naturally occurs within the body and is found in the deep layers of the dermis. One of its functions is to keep the skin smooth and healthy by retaining water.

When we are born, we have lots of hyaluronic acids, and as we age, the enzymes within our body gradually start to disintegrate it. This is what causes wrinkles to deepen, cheeks to lose their volume, lips to become thinner and lines to appear around the nose and mouth.

Dermal fillers once injected can mimic the body's natural depleted hyaluronic acid. When introduced to the face, the fillers give the appearance of a plumper, more youthful look.

While there are many different types of dermal fillers available and there are many salons offering 'cheap fillers', many are not FDA-approved. Dr Rachael will only use FDA approved, top brand dermal fillers for her treatments.

Anti Wrinkle Injections

dermal fillers lips

Anti-wrinkle injections are commonly referred to and Trademarked as 'Botox', short for Botulinum toxin. This is a naturally occurring protein that causes the muscles of the face to relax, consequently smoothing out wrinkles. It is the UK's most popular cosmetic treatment for the removal of wrinkles. Anti-wrinkle injections are generally thought to be the best treatment for the forehead area, frown lines and crow's feet near the eyes.

Botulinum toxin can also be used for a 'brow lift', also known as 'chemical' brow lift which can treat mild/moderate heaviness in the brow which can give the eyes a younger, more refreshed look.

These injections can also be used to treat bunny lines - the small horizontal lines that form across the bridge of the nose from scrunching the nose. These can be simply treated using anti wrinkle injections.

Lip/Peri Oral Fillers

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Lip augmentation/fillers is an extremely popular treatment which can be used to replace volume loss in older clients or to give fuller, more enhanced lips. They are also effective in reducing lines around the mouth such as smoker's lines, marionettes (corners of mouth) which can make clients feel they look sad and also nose to mouth lines (nasolabial lines).

Dr Rachael uses different advanced techniques for each area and tailored to each client after a thorough consultation process

Tear Trough Rejuvenation

lip fillers Cheshire

Periorbital (around the eyes) dermal filler is ideal for anybody who is struggling with dark shadows, hollows or 'bags' beneath the eyes. Some young clients also have eye bags due to genetics. This is an advanced aesthetic procedure which Dr Rachael uses a different technique, a cannula (small plastic tube) rather than a needle to minimise trauma to this delicate eye area.

Jaw line & Chin augmentation

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Chin augmentation, alongside other facial augmentation procedures, can enhance the proportions of the face, giving balance to an inadequate jawline and lessen jowling.

Dr Rachael uses different advanced techniques for each area and tailored to each client after a thorough consultation process